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Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education

Perry L. Glanzer, Todd C. Ream


Hardcover: 286 pages
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Publish Date: January 13, 2010
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0230612407
ISBN-13: 978-0230612402

Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education is not only a well-written page-turner, it is a compelling critique of the modern (and postmodern) academy . . . an argument for Christian education enhancing critical thinking rather than preventing it . . . a curricular blueprint for a Christian education that privileges holistic human development based on fundamental human identities; and more.

Christian Higher Education

Many scholarly visions of morality in higher education suggest that moral instruction should deal primarily with a person’s professional or political identity. In contrast, Glanzer and Ream argue that a more wholistic moral education takes place within a university committed to a tradition that can set forth a comprehensive ideal for the school and its students about human well-being.


Glanzer and Ream initiate a conversation desperately needed concerning how Christian colleges and universities might begin, as well as do something about, the moral formation of their students. One suspects the subject has been avoided or hidden in useless generalizations because few know how to do that kind of moral training. That is why this book is so important. Glanzer and Ream actually tell us what needs to be done. How refreshing.

— Stanley Hauerwas
Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics, Duke University

Glanzer and Ream have written an intensely engaging, highly readable excursus into the most pressing issue for higher education—indeed, for the future of humane culture. Their thorough analysis, expert taxonomy, and compelling argument detail how even confessional Christian colleges and universities have failed to deliver a moral education, yet they offer practical help for those who would see a recovery of moral compass and ethical identity in such institutions.

— David Lyle Jeffrey
Distinguished Professor of Literature and Humanities, Baylor University

Much to the chagrin of Stanley Fish and his comrades, Glanzer and Ream demonstrate—through compelling historical narrative and careful analysis—that every education is a moral formation. The question is: which morality? While others have made the case for Christian scholars to have a seat at the academic table, here finally is a book that highlights the unique, formative potential of Christian colleges and universities in the North American educational milieu . . . This is a book for Christian educators – but even more so for those cynics and skeptics who think ‘Christian education’ is an oxymoron.

— James K.A. Smith
Calvin College and Author of Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation

Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education is not only a well-written page-turner, it is a compelling critique of the modern (and postmodern) academy . . . an argument for Christian education enhancing critical thinking rather than preventing it . . . a curricular blueprint for a Christian education that privileges holistic human development based on fundamental human identities; and more.

Christian Higher Education

The authors of this text have developed an excellent resource for exploring the topic of moral education in the arena of Christian higher education . . . we urge that it be required reading for those who represent the faith-based higher education community. Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education . . . offers much toward shaping the educational experiences of current and future undergraduate and graduate students being served by faith-based institutions.

The Review of Higher Education